Summer Book Club

& Film Series

Book Club

Our Summer Book Club meets at 7:00 PM on the third Wednesday of every month, May - August. Invite a friend or neighbor and register below if you plan to join us for a discussion!

Borrow books from the library, or links to purchase each book are in the descriptions.

  • Author: James McBride

    Genre: Fiction

    About the Book:

    A novel about small-town secrets and the people who keep them. As these characters’ stories overlap and deepen, it becomes clear how much the people who live on the margins of white, Christian America struggle and what they must do to survive. When the truth is finally revealed about what happened on Chicken Hill and the part the town’s white establishment played in it, McBride shows us that even in dark times, it is love and community—heaven and earth—that sustain us.

  • Author: David Brooks

    Genre: Non-Fiction

    About the Book:

    As David Brooks observes, “There is one skill that lies at the heart of any healthy person, family, school, community organization, or society: the ability to see someone else deeply and make them feel seen—to accurately know another person, to let them feel valued, heard, and understood.”

    The act of seeing another person, Brooks argues, is profoundly creative: How can we look somebody in the eye and see something large in them, and in turn, see something larger in ourselves? How to Know a Person is for anyone searching for connection, and yearning to be understood.

  • Author: Leif Enger

    Genre: Fiction

    About the Book:

    Set in a not-too-distant America, I Cheerfully Refuse is the tale of a bereaved and pursued musician embarking under sail on a sentient Lake Superior in search of his departed, deeply beloved, bookselling wife. Rainy, an endearing bear of an Orphean narrator, seeks refuge in the harbors, fogs and remote islands of the inland sea. Encountering lunatic storms and rising corpses from the warming depths, Rainy finds on land an increasingly desperate and illiterate people, a malignant billionaire ruling class, crumbled infrastructure and a lawless society. Amidst the Gulliver-like challenges of life at sea and no safe landings, Rainy is lifted by physical beauty, surprising humor, generous strangers, and an unexpected companion in a young girl who comes aboard. And as his innate guileless nature begins to make an inadvertent rebel of him, Rainy’s private quest for the love of his life grows into something wider and wilder, sweeping up friends and foes alike in his strengthening wake.

  • Author: Shannon Martin

    Genre: Non-Fiction

    About the Book:

    We all want to feel connected to the people around us, to build a community right where we are. But how do we do it? Shannon Martin is here to help with real life stories and examples of scruffy hospitality and finding how we are more alike than different. We don't need to be perfect and no act is too small. So, start with hello!

Film Series

Our Summer Film Series is held at 7:30 PM on the last Friday of every month, May - August. Bring a friend or neighbor with you, no RSVP necessary! Sign up for our email list below to get the details of what we’re watching and where!