Our Vision

Our vision is to see communities transformed into places of flourishing through people loving God and their neighbors. We desire that people will find the hope that can only be found in following the way of Jesus and that, as his followers, they will be thoughtful and compassionate citizens who are invested in the people and places nearest to them, pursuing the peace and prosperity of all as evidence of the restoration, healing, and hope of God’s salvation.

Our Mission

The Good Neighbor Project invites people into spaces where they can deepen their experience, understanding, and practice of the call to love God and their neighbor.

Our Core Values

  • Biblical Teaching

    We are compelled by the Biblical mandate to love God and our neighbors. We believe the teachings of the Bible and the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus are the answer to transforming our own lives and our communities into places of flourishing.

  • Curiosity

    Transformation requires remaining curious about God, ourselves, our neighbors, and the world around us. Curiosity rises out of a posture of humility that leads us to wonder and marvel at God’s creation and goodness.

  • Embodied Experience

    We live in the reality of Christ’s bodily death and resurrection and believe that transformation happens as we live out our hope based in that reality within relationships. Our relationships are also grounded in the reality of time and space, being in a particular place with particular people.

  • Hospitality

    For transformation to occur, a person must be invited into a space and relationship where they feel safe and free to change but also welcomed and loved as they are.