Good Neighbor Fellowship

Love God. Love your neighbor.

This 8-month program comes alongside young professionals in their 20s & 30s and equips them to pursue transformation and flourishing in their own lives, communities, and workplaces by following the way of Jesus.

Our Program

  • Rule of Life

    Develop and follow a set of individual and community practices to guard your habits and guide your life.

  • Community Connection

    Attend bi-weekly meals, attend a local church, engage with your neighbors, and participate in service.

  • Focused Learning

    Attend monthly classes, read assigned texts, and participate in discussion.

  • Mentorship

    Meet regularly with a mentor for encouragement, guidance, and accountability

Our Pathway

Our Pathway provides a framework for the classes, reading and discussions we will have throughout the year.

  • Develop life-long habits and practices based on foundational truths and following the way of Jesus in order to bring evidence of the restoration, healing, and hope of God’s salvation to your neighbors and communities.

  • Care for the people and places nearest to you with a vision for redemption, restoration, and healing that makes the spaces and communities we dwell in places of flourishing.

  • Reframe your work to find meaning and purpose in your vocation and responsibilities, seeking to bring beauty, creativity, and redemption to your tasks and spheres of influence.

  • Actively bring peace, hope, and justice to our culture and community as we seek the common good - the peace and prosperity of a society for all people - giving special attention to the poor, oppressed, and marginalized.


  • Personal transformation as you develop life-long habits of becoming like Jesus and loving your neighbors

    Meaning and purpose in your daily life and work

    Real connection with community members, neighbors, and organizations that will provide you with opportunities beyond the Fellowship Program

  • An $1,800 inclusive fee covers all classes, books, common meals, and other expenses associated with your participation in the program.

  • The program runs from September through April and includes a Winter break.

    Classes are held one Saturday per month from 9AM - 1PM (including lunch). There are 8 classes.

    Common Meals & Discussions are every other Monday evening, except during Winter break.

    Reading assignments (about 1 book per month), service, and mentor meetings are scheduled on your own time.

    Optional social events and other opportunities are scheduled throughout the year.

    Request more information here for a complete calendar.

  • The Fellowship program is geared towards young adults in their 20s & 30s. You must be employed and living in the Lancaster, PA area (or plan to be by the start of the term), able to commit to fulfilling all program requirements, and seeking to understand what it means to love God and your neighbor in your current context. Participants are asked to affirm their alignment with the Apostle’s and Nicene Creeds.

  • We teach from a historically Biblical viewpoint and adhere to the ancient statements of faith - the Apostle’s Creed and the Nicene Creed. Participants do not need to belong to a specific denomination, but will be required to attend a Bible-teaching church while in the program.

  • A community Rule of Life provides a baseline of expectations, such as weekly observation of a Sabbath and limiting technology use.

    Participants will complete a Habit Audit and work with their mentor to develop a personalized Rule of Life.

  • We meet bi-weekly in a host home for a common meal that is prepared for you. Each meal will have a discussion topic and space to share our personal stories, as well as ongoing experiences and challenges as you go through the program.

  • Classes are held monthly on topics connected to our four Path of Learning focus areas.

    Classes include discussion of the assigned reading, interactive teaching, and community connection.

  • All participants will be connected with a Mentor. Let us know if you already meet with someone regularly as this may be able to fulfill the requirements of the program.

  • We meet bi-weekly for a common meal that is prepared for you. We also serve coffee, snacks, and lunch as part of our monthly classes.

    We are able to accommodate common food allergies* and vegetarian diets. Contact us if you have specific dietary needs so we can do our best to accommodate your specific needs.

    *most food will be prepared in a kitchen where cross-contamination is possible

  • Housing is not provided. If you are relocating to Lancaster, we may be able to assist you in locating temporary or permanent housing.

  • We expect that our participants will be working at least part-time (and most people full-time) in the Lancaster area.